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Missing Items

We understand how frustrating it can be to receive an order that is damaged or not working as intended. If you receive an item in less-than-perfect condition, please fill out the form below.

To be considered for a resolution, please contact us within 60 days of your delivery date. We can provide you with one of the following resolution options:

  • Authorizing a return
  • Issuing a replacement part
  • Issuing a replacement item
  • Issuing a refund

Return & Missing Items

You have up to 30 days to return your item for a replacement or full refund. Our Product Specialist will get back to you within 48 hours.

If your purchase was made through a third-party store such as Amazon, please contact them directly for returns. We can only process returns for purchases made through

You can find your order number in your confirmation email. Order number starts with "ihub".

You can find the product SKU in your order confirmation. Click here to find your order.